President of Turkmenistan Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov on May 15, 2015 in the Decree “On approval of the State program on import substitution of goods imported from abroad into Turkmenistan” No. 14246, pointed out the need to take measures to build agricultural facilities in order to increase the production of own agricultural products to meet the needs of population and welfare of the country.
We would like to express our sincere gratitude to our Honourable President for creating such a wide range of opportunities and to assure that we, the Agzybir Ojak Economic Society, are making every effort to fulfil the assigned tasks.
Our economic society “Agzybir Ojak”, established in 2016, specializes in the production of a variety of food products and agriculture in Turkmenistan. Having staff of the highest level, Agzybir Ojak ES works in several directions to expand the range of goods and services, improve their quality and optimize the cost of products offered to the population of Turkmenistan.
One of the main directions currently being developed by our company is providing the population of Turkmenistan with high-quality sesame seeds and sesame oil, which are not inferior to their properties to the best world brands. Sesame grown in Turkmenistan will become the raw material for the production of oil. Continuing the traditions of our ancestors (the great-grandfather of the founder of the company was engaged in the cultivation and processing of sesame seeds as far back as 1885-1930 of the last century), Agzybir Ojak ES cultivates oil rich sesame varieties in the Sarakhs province of the Akhal region. Processing and production will be carried out at the sesame oil production plant which is under construction in the territory of the Akhal region.
Sesame is a traditional culture of the Turkmen people and is famous for its use and versatility in cooking directly as an additive to culinary products and dishes, as well as processed (sesame oil, halva, kozinaki). Our company sets one of the priority tasks in this area – the restoration of the culture of sesame cultivation in Turkmenistan and its further processing.
Another activity of our company is the cultivation of silage and fodder root crops for animal feed. To this end, in the future, on the lands of the Akhal province, our company plans to expand the range of agricultural products – to grow various types of grains, legumes (beans, peas, lentils) and oilseeds (peanuts, pistachios, cashews and others).
Another new area of activity of Agzybir Ojak ES in the near future will be the production of PHCP products. Currently, work is underway to develop the composition of personal hygiene products and household chemicals, design and economic issues are being addressed. At the same time, a plant is under construction, which makes it possible to annually produce 20 thousand tons of high-quality PHCP products using modern technologies and observing all sanitary and hygienic standards. Quality control of products will be carried out by highly qualified employees of the laboratory, specially created at the factory and provided with all the specialized equipment necessary for work.
We are also considering providing the population with meat products in the future. To this end, work is underway on the acquisition of cattle, the creation of conditions for its cultivation, and in the future – the processing of meat and the production of high-quality meat products.
Expanding the directions of its activity, Agzybir Ojak ES is committed to providing the population of Turkmenistan with a variety of high-quality domestic products, while creating conditions for ensuring its employment and, consequently, increasing its well-being.